Cherries by Terre Sabine: an explosion of taste in just 5 calories

Cherries are red: red like the passion we put in growing our fruit. Terre Sabine's cherries are a treat you can't miss. And why should you? Share with us these sweet, tasty and healthy fruits and serve them to your loved ones: we deliver them in the main italian supermarkets and we make sure you can find them in our online store.

“They’re like cherries: one leads to the other”, italian people oftensay when talking about an addicting food. If you try Terre Sabine’s cherries, we're sure you'll agree. Sabina, the wonderful location we chose to grow our orchards – by the way, that’s what inspired our farm’s name – is renowned for its cherries all over Italy. Sabina offers an ideal climate for cherry production, especially when cherries reach the moment of ripening.

Our staff also play a crucial role: they know how to choose the best moment for picking and when this moment comes, they carefully harvest the best fresh cherries and deliver them to you in just 24 hours.

What are you waiting for? Check our online store or come to the best italian supermarkets.

Varietes of cherries

Cherry fields occupy 50 hectars of Terre Sabine’s farm and yield one of the sweetest varieties of cherries: Ravenna Tardiva and Ravenna Precoce (i.e. a late and an early variant of the same species, “Ravenna”). Visit our online store and take a look a look at our cherries: you can choose between a first quality package and a second quality one, which are only different in sugar level and size, not in taste or nutrients.

How we grow them

We still prefer hand-picking, like 70 years ago.We begin the harvest cherries during early summer, in June, when the golden sun starts shining on our juicy red fruits.Once brought to our farm, cherries are subject to “ozonation”, a process aiming at getting rid of any microbs. Our small red friends now meet the hydrocooler, a machine farmers use to cool fruits’ temperature and stop their fermentation: we want to be sure each and every of our cherries get to your house in perfect shape and condition. It’s now time for selecting and grouping our precious fruits. If you buy Terre Sabine’s cherries you will note that all the fruits contained in your box looks identical in size and colour.

Open a box of Terre Sabine’s cherries and taste a moment of sweetness and genuineness.

Benefits of cherries

One of the most popular sayings in Italy goes: “In the small barrel there’s the best wine”. This bit of Italian wise also applies to cherries, especially those grown in Sabina. Cherries are tiny fruits, but they contain so many nutrients and vitamins, experts have started comparing them to aspirins.

Medical studies have shown eating cherries can help reduce the risk of heart diseases: isn’t it a very good reason to insert cherries in your diet? But make sure you only choose season cherries: not only do they taste better and sweeter, but they also contain a higher amount of vitamins and minerals.

This is a golden rule, which applies to all fruits. Terre Sabine made a point of delivering only fresh fruits to their customers and share the culture of “Eating Healthy”.

Choose fresh cherries and enjoy their detoxifying and depurative properties. And that’s not all! Your skin will also benefit from cherries, because these tiny fruits stimulate your body to produce more collagen. Not to mention cherries’ diuretic and anti-uric effects: eatingcherries will help you fight gout and arthritis.

Sum these benefits to their sweet taste and you will have more than one reason to buy Terre Sabine’s cherries: we pick them for your and deliver them in just 24 hours!

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